Ecobuild in Greenship Data Center V.1.0 Pilot Project

September 17, 2023by admin

Ecobuild has the opportunity to work with Pusat Data Nasional (PDN) Project located in GIIC (Greenland International Industrial Center), Jakarta. This project is proudly appointed to become the pilot project for Green Building Council Indonesia (GBCI) to develop the new Greenship Data Center (DC) V.1.0.

On Saturday, 16th September 2023, numbers of experts from GBCI were inviting Ecobuild in a Technical Advisory Group (TAG) meeting session in Jakarta to discuss the newly developed rating tools.

The meeting was held to evaluate the implementation of DC V.1.0 Rating Tool which will be used as an assessment tool for Data Center businesses. This Rating Tool was developed as the technical guideline in building design to fight the increase in greenhouse gas emissions caused by the operation of Data Centers in Indonesia.

As reported in 2007 by Richard Brown and other experts, although the high energy consumption required, these Data Centers have great potential in improving energy efficiency.

Yadi Krisnadi, the Advisor of Ecobuild, mentions that the biggest energy consumption of Data Centers is in their cooling system for their servers. “By optimizing airflow management and cold and heat source equipment, the energy used in the cooling process can be decreased. This can be a step towards improving the energy efficiency of Data Centers”, said Yadi.

As the digitalization increases, the data center industry will need the Greenship Data Center Rating Tool V.1.0 immediately to support the movement towards Indonesia Net Zero Emission in 2060.


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